Crossley Scholars Gina Jannone and Chelsea Bartholomew have been selected to present a poster at the Pacific Chapter of the American Association of Public Opinion Research (PAPOR) annual conference in San Francisco, December 9-11, 2015. The poster is titled “Syria Rising: Has the Syrian Refugee Crises Shifted U.S. Public Opinion?”
Crossley Center Director to Chair PAPOR Panel
Crossley Center Director Floyd Ciruli has organized a panel on the 2016 presidential election at the 2015 PAPOR conference in San Francisco.
"2016: The Year of the Outsider" examines the trends effecting national- and state-level American politics that have culminated in significant challenges within both parties in Congress and in the presidential nomination process that extols non-politicians and denigrates established politicians. John Boehner, Kevin McCarthy, Mitch McConnell, Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush are the highest profile targets of the phenomena. Beneficiaries are the Freedom caucus in the U.S. House and the list of outsider-type candidates excelling in the presidential race: Trump, Carson, Fiorina and Sanders.
The phenomenon is not new in American politics, from Ross Perot in 1992 to the 1994 Contract with America and the 2010 rise of the Tea Party. The panel examines some of the historical and state-level origins and factors and their likely implications for the 2016 national and state elections.
Panelists: (Chair) Floyd Ciruli, Crossley Center for Public Opinion Research, Colorado; Jon Cohen, SurveyMonkey, California; Mark Baldassare, Public Policy Institute of California; Stuart Elway, Elway Research, Washington; Anthony Salvanto, CBS News, New York (invited)
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